Wednesday, January 3, 2007

relocation successful

What a trip! Many of you already know, we have accepted positions at a church in Louisville, Kentucky and are now moved into our new home. We moved over New Year's weekend and was in service at our church New Year's Eve.

Of course we're going to miss everyone, but we'll be back often. I'm currently working a contract with Cablevision where I'll manage their internet service via remote services (PC Anywhere/Terminal Services for you geeks). I'm thanking the Lord for this contract as it's giving me enough of a base income to work my mobile computer repair service. Please pray for me as I begin this new business venture. I need God's guidance and direction as I do this.

Our decision to move here has been something we prayed about for over a year. We have returned to the church we were working in before we had our children. The church has changed as much as we have over the last 3 1/2 years, but we have felt at home every time we came up for a visit. The Lord has undoubtedly led us here. Every prayer has been answered, every concern has been addressed, and every need has been met so far. If you've ever seen the movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" you'll see a visual of what we've been doing spiritually. When Indiana Jones has to cross a canyon he has to step out on what appears to be nothing. Yet as he puts his foot down, the path reveals itself. As we have obeyed the Lord, the path is appearing as we walk. At first it's scary, but as we walk our confidence in His provision builds. I'm so much more at peace right now trusting the Lord as we obey Him than I ever have been relying on my own plans!

The church we're in is an exciting place to be. It's in a town bordering Louisville, and is an area heavily stricken with poverty, abuse, neglect, drugs, and horrible crime. The church has a great vision to reach this community with what they call "evangelism through meeting needs." Many have been saved through their monthly food basket give-aways. The opportunity to share the Gospel has been provided through taking care of the most immediate needs. We are in hopes to do School backpack give-aways before next school year. This year's theme is "take it to the Streets" (yes the Michael McDonald tune will be used in the promo's). We'll be purchasing a trailer with speakers and props. With this trailer we'll go to the neighborhoods with Kids ministry, teen concerts, and basic old-fashioned street preaching. We'll have teams of people ready to share the Gospel with individuals who show up to see what all of the hullabaloo is.

Melissa is beginning her work already as the youth director. She's excited about raising up the youth to reach their schools for the Lord. In prayer many years ago, we felt the Lord say to us that he was going to send a great student revival to this church, so she is going to be training these teens to reap the harvest of souls that will be coming in. She is having her first get-together with the youth this Friday (not even a week after moving in!). She's excited about this, and I'm proud of her!

I'll be serving as a "Worship Elder." This is new to me, but I'm excited about the new challenge. Our church leadership is being aligned with elders in the leadership that cover the various directors/ministries in the church. The area I'll be covering is the worship ministries. In a nutshell, everything that happens inside the sanctuary doors is my responsibility. I will work with the Worship leader, prayer director, head usher, sight and sound director, dance/drama team directors. We actually will plan each service weekly and come up with plans to help portray and connect with the congregation in a multi-sensory experience that carries the theme that the pastor will preach on. This is an exciting position for me that I believe God has been preparing me for in recent years. Again, this is uncharted territory for me, but I love challenges and am excited about running with this.

Until next time!


Mark W. said...

T.J. - We'll miis seeing you around Dad's Place each week, but hopefully you'll still be with us in the blog world. I'm very glad that things are going smoothly for all of you. You're in our prayers.

Quick note: As for the Michael McDonald tune (ack)...a good ole Christian tune with the same message as your crusade is Petra's Back To The Streets - I used to love that one once upon a time.

Last Crusade was a classic! "Only the penitent man shall pass!"

dean said...

been to wal mart yet?

Jim said...

I miss you dude!

TJ said...

gawrsh! I'll miss all of you as well. And UNFORTUNATELY, Walmart is just as close to us here as it was there. So yes, Dean, I have been to Walmart lately (although this one is more like the one in Pine Bluff - it HUGE).

Already miss all of our frequent "meetings" at Dad's place. Jim - your friendship is unforgettable, and I'm sure will last through the distance. Melissa has tried to concoct her own version of Swamp. The refrigerator belched a few times while it was "brewing". It didn't even turn out close to the real thing!

We'll all stay in touch via the trusty blogs once I get caught up a little on some more things.

until next time!!!


HELLO EVERYBODY... I've now moved my blog to . You'll need to change your bookmarks to point to (for now!). I like the Wordpress format and way of doing things. It gives me more versatility. SEE YOU THERE!