Monday, November 13, 2006


I've got this neat little tool that tells me about all of my blog visitors. It tells me the IP address of your internet connection and the city (sometimes accurate) where you are. The only thing - it doesn't identify you!

I'm curious to see who the blurkers are, I've got two of you from Texas that I have NO clue who you are, and it's driving me nuts! So I'm asking everyone who frequents the crazy ramblings of my mind to leave a comment (For those who don't know, the comment link is below each blog post - if you're not reading the comments of the blogs you visit, you're missing out on what makes blogging so addictive). Drop my a comment and tell me who you are and what city you're from. I Would love to know the name behind the IP addresses.


dean said...

i'm dean! but i'm not in texas. i'm an aries and i enjoy long walks in the rain. i also know what those steel beams are for in front of mcdonalds. uh, was that too much information?

Jim said...

I'm Jim...and I live in Coffee Wonderland. The streets are paved with fresh roasted coffee beans, and there are golden vats of fresh brewed 'swamp water' on every street corner. Down the block is this incredible place that mixes fresh churned ice cream with pralines and caramel, then the employees hastily frolic down to the 'endless' vats for that lovely juice of swamp water. Ummmmmmmm, I think I'm in heaven.


HELLO EVERYBODY... I've now moved my blog to . You'll need to change your bookmarks to point to (for now!). I like the Wordpress format and way of doing things. It gives me more versatility. SEE YOU THERE!