Sunday, October 1, 2006

Four Years Old...

Pardon the lack of a picture or anything. I'm in dire need of a good digital camera to share pics of my three stooges.

My triplets - Luke, Makayla, and Allie turned 4 yesterday. I can't believe they are already 4. It seems like yesterday they were so small they could wear doll clothes (no kidding - look a the galleries on ).

With them, Melissa (their hot mama) and I need no reminding of the blessing of God on our lives. I can't imagine how boring life really was without them. Those of you who had your kids one at a time - you don't know what you're missing! Triplets are so fun. They have their challenges, mind you, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

And yes, we're through with having children!

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